Console Rocket
Product Tour
So here is the thing… there is quite a bit of depth to this.
Let’s just step through the best bits.
Storing &
Change Detection
All your search data stored and analysed, long term.
What Changed? When? Why? How?
Having a year long historic record of the relationships between keywords, CTRs, Landing pages etc allows us to find hidden insights you will have never seen before, and compare to the previous season, like for like.
A Better
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to understand your data
No programming or Excel-fu required. Just amazing segmentable, sortable and filterable data at your fingertips.
Console rocket has been designed to help everyone from novice, to data expert, to quickly drill down to find insights quickly and easily.
Shortlisted for the Best SEO Software Tool
at the EU Search Awards 2017
Click Opportunity
For every keyword, page calculate the opportunity for your business.
Which Keywords could provide the most visitors, which pages have the most keywords with the most opportunity?

CTR Curves
What CTR does your page(s) get if it ranks in certain positions.
If the keyword “widgets guide” ranked in position 4 instead of 8 – What would be the impact?

Brand vs Non-Brand Auto Tagging
Brand vs Non-Brand Keywords behave very differently, we automatically separate those keywords for you.
Which Non-Brand keywords have lower CTR than expected for position?
Keyword to Page Mapping
Tracking the page a ranking keyword shows in the SERPs is important.
My Keyword CTR is jumping up and down because google is showing three different URLs for it, which page is the best to pick?

“Console Rocket astonished me with the level of data and insights it made easily available. Like most, I understand the importance of Google search console data, but taking the limits off in this way is truly game changing for SEOs.”
Andy Grey, SEO & Content Marketing Manager at Post Office Ltd
With you
Every Step of The Way
Starting to use a new tool can be difficult and scary…
That’s why we have made it so quick to signup, and produce webinars, videos and help pages to get you up and running ASAP.
Signup takes 20 seconds and, it’s free to use everything in Console Rocket with no hidden costs, or ‘pay to play’ features, so you can try it quickly, fully and with with zero risk.
100% free and unlimited
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